Out and about - explore the amazing nature of Sollefteå

Nature map
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The nature map helps you find the nature experiences in Sollefteå municipality. Find trails, nature reserves, skiing, swimming, viewpoints and much more.
Nature reserves
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In Sollefteå municipality there is a large selection of nature reserves. You can find the full list of directions, maps and information at the County Administrative Board.
Nature guide
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In the nature guide, we have collected lots of tips on nature experiences and activities. The guide is available to read digitally and to pick up at Medborgarservice in Sollefteå.

Bybergsleden in Edsele
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Edsele with Byberget's rugged silhouette is our proud heritage and beautiful gem in the Höga Kusten Inland in the dramatic Ådalen. Make your way to the top and enjoy the lovely view at the top of Byberget, 318 m above sea level.

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Finnfors Hiking & History follows the old routes that were used when foot and horse transport were the only means of transport.

Finnåleden, Helgum
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Finnåleden is located in Helgum, about 3 miles outside Sollefteå. The distance is about 23 km and has both easy walking parts and very hilly terrain.

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The historic hiking trail from Åsmon to Moflobodarna begins here. About a mile along alternating country roads and in varied forest terrain, on cleared paths and over bogs.

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The nature reserve contains a large number of interesting plants, including most of Ångermanland's orchids.

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Långvattnet has a beautiful and peculiar nature with easy-to-walk, pine-covered hills and moors and the possibility of fishing in about 50 lakes and ponds. This makes the place a top class outdoor area.

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Multråberget (Multrå mountain) is a classic excursion destination with a fantastic view, located about 5 km east of Sollefteå.

Naturstigen in Junsele
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A circuit of about 9 km. The trail is clearly marked with orange paint on trees and stones as well as signs and starts at the campsite in Junsele.

Nipleden hiking trail
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Experience the Sollefteås unique "nip" landscape along the Nipleden: Sollefteå-Österåsen-Ed-Sollefteå, a total of 27km. Choose for yourself whether you want to hike the entire route or just parts of it.

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The top of the Nävernäsan mountain is over 500 meters above sea level. From there, the view is impressive, especially if you dare to climb the tower.

Paddle in Röån
Röån is one of the country's best canoe waters with paddling along the lake and stream. A fantastic nature experience with a great chance of seeing both beavers and moose.


Stenbergsleden, Graninge
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The entire trail is about 3 km, of which 1.5 km is on the rolling stone ridge with water on both sides.
Ådalsleden 1
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Kullberg-Sollefteå. A wilderness trail that passes both power stations, rock carvings and cultural reserves. The trail is best hiked in early summer.

Ådalsleden 2 Boteå-Sanna
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A wilderness trail that runs from Boteå Kyrka up to Gålsjöbruk via Undromshöjden down to Sanna. The trail mostly runs through dry and open pine forest.

Ångermanälven by boat
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Take the boat along the beautiful Ångermanälven River. Experience nature, wildlife and hidden donut spots. Charts can be found here.