Ski superstar Frida Karlsson

Frida Karlsson climbs altitude meters with the national team at Hallstaberget
The Swedish national ski team is on-site in Sollefteå for training camps, and Hallstaberget is full of famous skiers who make the most of the training opportunities in the area. Between sessions, we had time to chat quickly with our home star Frida Karlsson, who also showed off her talents in front of the piano in Hotell Hallstaberget's lounge.
What is it like to be here and train with the whole team at home?
- It's enjoyable! I get to show off my favourite rounds in the woods and all the training opportunities available here. This morning we grazed around 1000 meters of altitude on the slopes up to the marshes and Spannsjön. When you hear that one of the others feels crunchy in the legs, you know you've succeeded!

What do the goals look like for the season?
- I have a new team with whom I work very closely and have learned many lessons from last year. I have better knowledge about nutrition, recovery and balance between training and things around me. Therefore, I feel more secure in what I do and perhaps more motivated than ever.
- I feel strong but try to be here and now; I have longed for this camp. The WC in February is what I'm looking forward to the most, but the World Cup is also significant. The SC relay with a strong Sollefteå team is also a highlight; we can become a wild card!

Do you feel the support from Sollefteå residents?
- Absolutely! This is home, and it is noticeable that even those not interested in skiing have been aware of me even before I broke through. That's why it's more relaxed here, people are cheering and stuff like that, but I don't get stopped to take pictures as it can be in other places.
Why do you think it is essential to continue to get involved in Sollefteå Ski Club even when competing at your level?
- I have grown up in the club and life with it. Mom and all the other leaders pour their souls into Sollefteå Ski Club, and for me, it is obvious to be involved and contribute what I can. I remember how exciting it was to meet my role models as a child, so now I want to give back in the same way. I usually train by myself, so it's nice to feel the community and team spirit in the club. There is something special about gathering for coffee in the warming hut after training or outside around the campfire as we do these days. Meeting all the children and young people gives me energy!